Wednesday, April 30, 2014

An open letter to my 18 year old self


Cheer up, high school is almost over and things get a lot better. Sure, there are some low moments, but here are a few things to keep in mind as you go forth.Quit hoping, because he lives a lot longer than any of us ever dreamed.
I'd advise you to avoid any racial slurs. Trust me, it'll make sense later.
Check the heater vent when the keys go missing.
Go for it when propositioned by a co-worker one late evening next year. Believe me, you'll regret it if you don't (no joke).
Your bad attitude is not a fad as most people think.
Don't get too attached to the pile of hair on top of your head.
I know it seems impossible, but your team will make it to the World Series in a few years so enjoy it since it could be a long time before it happens again.
Ignore him if/when dad promises to pay for college.
Remember when the counselor told you "lying will get you nowhere"? Well, he was wrong.
Invest in Microsoft.
Don't forget to take a jacket when you go to Chicago.
When you get to college (yeah, you do get there), go to class.
Curving to the left is natural.
Don't be too hard on your brother when he is not faithful.
Don't answer the phone when Lance calls in June 2004.
Don't do it, it isn't worth it.