Tuesday, February 28, 2023

All is not

In fair publishing company, where we lay our scene,

Two editors met, and their attraction did convene.

Scott and Kelly, both wed, could not resist

The fire between them, their passion did persist.

But alas, their love was not to be forevermore,

For Kelly's tendencies did Scott begin to abhor.

Her stalking and lack of original thought

Made Scott realize their love was purely for nought.

Scott had children to raise, and his duties were clear,

He could not let his lust for Kelly interfere.

He made attempts to break things off, but to no avail,

Kelly's hatred for him did only prevail.

And yet, Scott longed to hear Kelly's voice once more,

To see her smile and hear her laugh, as he did before.

But fate had deemed their love a tragedy,

And they were not to be, in fair publishing company.

Scott moved on with his life, but the memory remained,

Of the love that was lost, and the heartache sustained.

For though it was lust that had led them astray,

Scott couldn't help but long for Kelly's company each day.

But the story must end here, for such is life,

Full of heartbreak and strife.

And though we may wish for a different end,

Sometimes it is not meant to be, my friend.

Monday, February 27, 2023

Get them

Scott had always been a man of action. He had grown up in the city and had learned at a young age that sometimes you had to fight to protect what was yours. So when he heard the sound of shattering glass outside his house late one night, he knew exactly what he had to do.

Grabbing a baseball bat, Scott rushed outside to find two teenagers breaking into his truck. Without hesitation, he charged at them, swinging the bat with all his might. The thieves took off, sprinting down the street as fast as they could go. But Scott was determined not to let them get away.

For three blocks, Scott chased the teenagers through the darkened streets, the sound of their footsteps pounding in his ears. He could feel his heart racing with adrenaline as he closed in on them, his bat held high. But eventually, they disappeared into the night, leaving Scott alone in the darkness.

Scott returned home, breathing heavily and covered in sweat. He sat on his porch for a while, catching his breath and trying to calm himself down. Eventually, he decided that he couldn't just let the thieves get away. He started his truck and began driving around the neighborhood, searching for any sign of the teenagers.

As he drove, Scott noticed that things had changed since he had last been out in the neighborhood. Houses that had once been rundown and neglected were now beautifully remodeled, with pristine lawns and gleaming cars parked out front. There were new faces everywhere, families that Scott didn't recognize.

But as he drove, Scott couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. He had always been a man of action, but now he was starting to realize that his world was changing around him. He had spent so much time focused on protecting his property that he had missed out on the bigger picture, the changes that were happening in the world around him.

As the night wore on, Scott eventually gave up his search for the thieves. He knew that he would never catch them, not now. But he also knew that he needed to start paying more attention to the world around him, to the changes that were happening and the people who were living their lives around him.

Scott went to bed that night with a newfound sense of awareness, realizing that sometimes it's not about protecting what's yours, but about being a part of a larger community. He knew that he had a lot to learn, but he was ready to start seeing the world in a new way.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Green eyes

Scott had always been a dedicated editor at the publishing company, focused on the task at hand and uninterested in any office romances. That was, until Kelly walked in.

She was stunning, with raven hair and piercing green eyes that seemed to see right through him. Scott couldn't help but be drawn to her, despite the fact that they were both married. They started spending more and more time together, working on projects and sharing ideas. The attraction between them was undeniable, and before long, they had slept together.

At first, it was like a dream come true. Scott was madly in love with Kelly, and he couldn't get enough of her. They spent every spare moment together, lost in each other's embrace. But as time passed, Scott started to notice some unsettling things about Kelly.

She seemed to be obsessed with him, constantly texting and calling him, and showing up at his office unannounced. Scott started to feel suffocated, like he couldn't breathe without her watching his every move. And worst of all, he realized that Kelly didn't seem to have any original thoughts or ideas of her own. She simply mirrored his own interests and opinions, never daring to challenge him or offer her own unique perspective.

As Scott tried to break things off with Kelly, he found himself facing a relentless barrage of anger and hatred. Kelly refused to accept his decision, insisting that they were meant to be together and that he was throwing everything away. But Scott knew that he had to put an end to their affair, for the sake of his own sanity and his responsibilities as a parent.

In the end, Scott realized that what he had felt for Kelly was not love, but lust. He had been caught up in the excitement and thrill of their forbidden relationship, but he had never truly loved her. And as he moved on with his life, focusing on his work and his family, he knew that he had made the right decision.

But Kelly remained a haunting presence in his life, a reminder of the dangers of giving in to temptation and the consequences of giving too much of yourself to someone who may not be who they seem. For Scott, the memory of Kelly would always be a cautionary tale, a reminder to never let his guard down and to always remember the true value of love and commitment.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023


Scott was a dedicated editor at a prestigious publishing company, where he spent his days poring over manuscripts and perfecting prose. But one day, his world was rocked by the arrival of Kelly, a raven-haired beauty who was also an editor at the company.

Despite being married, Scott found himself irresistibly drawn to Kelly. They spent more and more time together, their attraction growing stronger by the day. They were madly in love, consumed by their passion for each other.

But as time passed, Scott began to notice some unsettling things about Kelly. She seemed to be stalking him, always showing up unannounced and hovering too close for comfort. And worse, he realized that she didn't seem to have any original thoughts or ideas of her own. She was simply a mirror of his own interests and opinions.

Scott knew that he had to end the affair, for the sake of his own sanity and his responsibilities as a parent. He made several attempts to break things off with Kelly, but she refused to let him go. Her hatred for him grew with each failed attempt, and she vowed never to speak to him again.

As Scott moved on with his life, he couldn't help but feel a sense of regret for what had happened. He knew that he had been foolish to give in to temptation, and that his lust for Kelly had blinded him to the reality of the situation. He also knew that he had hurt both Kelly and his own family, and that the consequences of his actions would be felt for a long time to come.

But in the end, Scott emerged stronger and more determined to make better choices. He knew that he had learned some valuable lessons from his affair with Kelly, and that he would never again let his desires cloud his judgment. For Scott, the memory of Kelly would always be a cautionary tale, a reminder to always stay true to himself and the people he loved.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023


Scott had always been a man of discipline and self-control, but when Kelly walked into his life, he knew he was in trouble.

She was a dark-haired beauty with a seductive voice that could turn any man's head. And Scott was no exception. Despite both being married, they couldn't resist the attraction they felt for each other, and they began spending more and more time together.

Their passion was like a wildfire, consuming them both in a frenzy of lust and desire. But as time passed, Scott began to notice something unsettling about Kelly. She seemed to be stalking him, always showing up unannounced and hovering too close for comfort.

And worse, he realized that she didn't seem to have any original thoughts or ideas of her own. She was simply a reflection of his own interests and opinions, with nothing unique or individual to offer.

Scott knew he had to break things off with Kelly, for the sake of his own sanity and his responsibilities as a parent. But Kelly was not one to let go easily. She clung to him like a parasite, her hatred for him growing with each failed attempt to end the affair.

Scott tried to move on with his life, but the memory of Kelly lingered like a dark cloud. He knew that he had been foolish to give in to temptation, and that he had hurt both Kelly and his own family in the process.

But even as he tried to put the past behind him, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was not right. The world around him seemed to be changing, growing darker and more sinister with each passing day.

In the end, Scott realized that he had never really loved Kelly. His passion for her had been nothing more than a fleeting moment of lust, a temporary distraction from the realities of his life. And as he moved on with his life, he knew that he would always be haunted by the memory of ther ill-fated affair.

For Scott, the memory of Kelly would always be a reminder of the dangers of giving in to temptation, and the consequences of succumbing to the darkness that lurks within us all.

Thursday, February 9, 2023


My dear friends, let us consider the tale of a man named Scott, who found himself consumed by desire for a woman named Kelly, his fellow editor at the publishing company where he worked. Despite the fact that they were both married, Scott and Kelly were drawn together, spending more and more time in each other's company, until they gave in to their passions and consummated their relationship.

For a time, they were madly in love, their desire burning bright like a flame. But as time passed, Scott began to notice Kelly's flaws, her tendency to stalk him and lack of original thoughts. He also had the weight of raising his children on his mind, and realized that he did not truly love Kelly, but rather lusted after her.

After several ill-fated attempts, Scott mustered the courage to end the relationship with Kelly, much to her anger and hurt. Though he longed to hear her voice once more, to see her smile and hear her laughter, he knew it was not meant to be.

My friends, let us reflect on the lessons we can learn from this story. Let us remember that love can be fleeting, and that it is important to consider the long-term consequences of our actions. May we always strive for genuine love and avoid the temptations of lust.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

New product

The road leading to Owensboro was long and winding, twisting and turning through the sprawling countryside. Matt had never ventured this far from Kansas City before, and certainly never to a place like Owensboro. As a Hispanic man, he felt out of place, like a stranger in a strange land.

As he drove, the landscape around him began to change, the sprawling fields giving way to dense forests and towering hills. Matt's heart raced as he realized just how isolated and alone he truly was. This was not the welcoming, bustling town he had imagined in his mind.

When he finally arrived in Owensboro, it was like stepping into a different world. The town was small, with old buildings and empty streets. There was a sense of abandonment to the place, as if the people had all left and never returned. Matt parked his car and stepped out, feeling the weight of his suitcase in his hand.

As he made his way through the town, Matt couldn't help but notice the way people looked at him. Their eyes were filled with suspicion and fear, and Matt couldn't help but feel like an outsider. He had never felt so alone in his entire life.

Matt had come to Owensboro to roll out a new product for his company, but he quickly realized that the people of this town were not interested in what he had to offer. They were set in their ways, suspicious of outsiders, and not willing to change. Matt felt like he was fighting a losing battle, like a lone soldier against an army of foes.

As he lay in his hotel bed at night, Matt could hear strange noises coming from outside. The wind howled and the trees creaked, like the town itself was alive and plotting against him. He felt like he was being watched, like there were eyes on him at all times.

On the final day of his trip, Matt was packing his bags when he heard a knock at the door. He opened it to find an old woman standing there, her eyes dark and menacing.

"Leave this town," she whispered, her voice filled with malice. "You do not belong here."

Matt didn't need to be told twice. He packed his bags and left Owensboro, eager to leave the town and its people behind. As he drove away, he couldn't help but feel like he had narrowly escaped something far more sinister than he could have ever imagined.