Tuesday, February 28, 2023

All is not

In fair publishing company, where we lay our scene,

Two editors met, and their attraction did convene.

Scott and Kelly, both wed, could not resist

The fire between them, their passion did persist.

But alas, their love was not to be forevermore,

For Kelly's tendencies did Scott begin to abhor.

Her stalking and lack of original thought

Made Scott realize their love was purely for nought.

Scott had children to raise, and his duties were clear,

He could not let his lust for Kelly interfere.

He made attempts to break things off, but to no avail,

Kelly's hatred for him did only prevail.

And yet, Scott longed to hear Kelly's voice once more,

To see her smile and hear her laugh, as he did before.

But fate had deemed their love a tragedy,

And they were not to be, in fair publishing company.

Scott moved on with his life, but the memory remained,

Of the love that was lost, and the heartache sustained.

For though it was lust that had led them astray,

Scott couldn't help but long for Kelly's company each day.

But the story must end here, for such is life,

Full of heartbreak and strife.

And though we may wish for a different end,

Sometimes it is not meant to be, my friend.

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