Thursday, April 27, 2023

Rainy Night

Discussion: Kids usually love music and songs, and it is funny when they actually hear the words - possibly understand them. Songs often transport me, Motownphilly by Boyz to Men was popular when my wife and I began dating, so it often takes me back to those happy days. My dad loved George Jones and sadly tried to live the same life style. Now that I think of it, I can label family members by artists or songs: AC/DC is my brother; Mom is Neil Diamond; my sister loved Peter Frampton while my son was a big Jay-Z fan. I think of my grandma (aka mamaw) and Eddie Rabbit's song "I Love A Rainy Night" every time it rains while I am driving. I am nine years old again, we are in her living room with the shag carpet - funny, she had a rake to maintain the shagginess (Note: Googled it and those rakes are still used). She had the Eddie Rabbit album among her countless Elvis records along with Nat King Cole. The stereo, or hifi as it was called, was a console model, its wood veneer finish spanning six feet. The top opened on a long hinge that could be locked open as you worked with records on the turntable inside. The song blasted from its built-in speakers - she really liked to crank it up. "Showers wash all my cares away. I wake up to a sunny day." She belts out the lyrics, this seemed to be her favorite lines outside of the chorus. She grabs my hands and we dance. I am mesmerized as she transforms from the quiet, serious mamaw into a dancer, surprisingly light on her feet. I concentrated on the lyrics, memorizing them so I could sing along - she looked at me as we danced, but she was in her own world. The song ends and she plays it again before removing the record and closing the "hifi". "Puts a song in this heart of mine. Puts a smile on my face every time." The song is stored away in my memory and it does put a smile on my face every time it plays. Of course, it lives on my iPhone as the magic of modern technology simplifies trips down memory lane. "Well, I love a rainy night. It's just a beautiful sight." I actually do love rainy nights, the rain dancing on the roof of the house, the rhythm of the drops making sleep easier. It is ironic that it poured rain the day of her funeral, maybe God sent her out in style? I expressed this thought at her funeral and received odd stares, it seemed nobody else knew (or remembered) her love of this song. It made me question my memory, but a quick survey of her record collection revealed Eddie Rabbit's face. It makes it more special to think of it as our song.

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