Saturday, August 15, 2015

Handling over grievances

Killing another human being is not as hard as advertised. For me, I remember so many old novels where the protagonist grappled with the moral issues surrounding ending another life. Maybe it helps to have no morals? No, that is a flippant answer. Rather, sometimes there are just worthless and borderline evil persons among us. They are 'in the way' of the rest of us trying to navigate the perverse challenges and jagged pathway that encompasses our own life. You stumble upon a less than desirable sole and the consensus is the world does not need them - in fact, the world would be better without them. No, there is no judge and jury where facts and statements are presented to reach a unanimous verdict, but rather it is something you feel in your gut - or it could be a few companions discussing. In the end, it only takes one (queue the .... One is the Only Number song) to set things in motion accepting and meeting a challenge. This is where is can become a game of sorts - after all, nobody wants to go to prison for killing an unnecessary idiot. A key is reconnaissance - learn the target's methods and routine (if any) and look for vulnerable points. Ultimately, my mark had inflicted personal harm on me as a child (me the child, not him). We had no contact since that time and the, so-called incidents (in my mind) were never reported, so there was no connection between us. I checked my car and drove to the target's locale after work - 10 hour round trip journey. I did this a few times to collect details of the terrain and lay of the land and routine. He is 66 and lives alone - loves going to movies along with often grocery shopping and walking/running in a nearby park. On my forth trip, I joining in the park - eventually finding ourselves in steep valley area where a inadvertent (or so it looked) shove sent him overboard. I kept going trying to gauge damage while looking for onlookers. I finally was able to locate him down the hill - I kneeled over and looked into his eyes; asking him if he remembered the joy jide, the inappropriate touching and threats, he nodded just as I deposited a bullet between the eyes. I checked my surroundings and was back up the hill to finish the run. And, five hours later I was showering in my own home - a nemesis gone.

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