Monday, June 23, 2014


Darkness had snuck up as he lay in bed staring at the ceiling. A car approached and lLight filled the room as it parked in front of their window. He leaned over the edge of the bed and fished the watch from the ancient rug. It dangled in the air as he held it up to take advantage of the light.

He sat up and rubbed his face and glanced at the sleeping body underneath the covers. He was overwhelmed by the clarity that the sudden abscence of desire brings. He couldn't figure out why he was there, but he knew he no longer wanted to be. He gently retrieved the clothing from the floor and tiptoed into the bathroom.

Dressing in the cramped room was more difficult than envisioned. The shower curtain rattled as he grabbed a handful to steady himself. The design of the cheap room left the sink and mirror outside the toilet and shower area. He buttoned his shirt and stepped out to face the mirror.

"Hey there, you going somewhere?"

He jumped as the familiar voice filled the room. She sat on the bed with a sheet draped over a shoulder. The sudden modesty was surprising given what had just happened. The muscles in his shoulders tightened as their eyes met.

"It's getting late, I need to get home." He looked away and checked the reflection in the mirror. Her odor covered his face as he straightened his hair. He grabbed the soap and scrubbed vigorously under the hot water. The process was repeated as a whiff of the hands revealed the smell was strong as ever. He wondered if bleach would do the trick.

"Yeah, wow, time seems to fly when we're together." She laughed while walking to the window and peering around the curtain.

"So it seems." He mumbled as her pale flesh appeared in the mirror. She reached out as he sidestepped the embrace and visually searched for his wallet and keys. He spotted them on the small round table near the door. He checks the desire to flee while approaching the table.

"Hey, what's your problem?" Her voice cracked as the familiar victim routine began.

"You have to ask?" He turned and faced her as she pulled on a pair of jeans. His eyes focused on her as he searched for the reasons for being there. Whatever it was, it was gone and he knew it would never return. He felt the urge to place money on the nightstand, but decided otherwise. He turned and grasped the doorknob while removing the chain.

"You're leaving?" She stood with arms crossed awaiting an answer.

"I think that would be best." He turned and stood to face her - to receive the full force of her anger.

"You can't end it like this." Her eyes filled as she pushed the hair from her face.

"Why not?" An emptiness filled the place in his heart that she once occupied. He knew it was wrong to act this way, but he would deal with regret later. After all, he had been down this road many times. Right now, he wanted to be gone.

"Please, let's talk about it, I love you, doesn't that mean anything?"

"There's nothing to talk about." He swung the door open and stepped into the muggy night as a moth buzzed his head while entering the room.

She stood in the doorway as he slammed the manual transmission into reverse. He resisted the urge to look in her direction as he sped away. He hoped he would never see her again, but that would be impossible.

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