Monday, August 11, 2014

Great idea

"You shouldn't answer a question with a question, that is rude."

"Well, you didn't answer it." I steal a glance at my watch while he clumsily searches a shoulder bag. I sit with arms folded, waiting for a response.

"Touche." He smiles as a pack of chewing gum emerges from the bag. He folds a piece like a ribbon and tosses it into his mouth.

"What? Are you high?" I lean across the table and jerk the sunglasses from his face - the eyes do not betray him.

"No, stoppit." He grabs the glasses and places drops them in the bag. look, I think it is a great idea. And, to answer your question, no, I am not crazy. You never support me." His jaws move vigorously while working the gum.

"This may be the dumbest idea you've ever had. You're going to buy people's secrets and sell them back? What the fuck?" I slap the table with both hands and force a laugh. I know there were better ways to spend my time. The pile of work on my desk floats in my mind.

"No, fuck, you never listen to me. See, people will sell me information - secrets they have on other people. I'll store the information and then sell it to the target person - the person whose actual secret it is. They'll have to pay since they don't want anybody to know. Shit, it is a can't miss." He mockingly slaps the table as a manic smile crosses his face. His stares at me with eyes bulging and jaw frantically working the gum.

"Blackmail? You're going to blackmail people? Uh, you do know that is illegal? How will you keep track and how can you guarantee ths information is true and how do you keep the people from telling anyway?!" My lips curl at the corners as I shake my head. My brother never ceases to amaze me.

"Duh, I think I know what is legal - I've been in jail, you haven't. Anyway, I won't threaten them with the information. And, I'll keep a database of the secrets - I thought you could help with that. Plus, I'll make the sellers sign a document to guarantee they won't spread it." He wavew me off and nods his head at my obvious stupidity.

"They will sign a contract? You'll have a lawyer on staff to take people to follow-up and procesute?"

"Yeah, you see, now you get it. My frind Tommy knows a guy. Plus, I'll give the persons who buy their secrets a guarantee that it won't be revealed!" He clapps his hands together to signify his excitement.

"So, what if somebody besides the person who sold it to you reveals it? What if the person themself reveals it? What if they deny it? What if it isn't true?"

"Good points, I appreciate it, that is valuable feedback." He leans down and opens a manilla folder and scribbles notes in a obviously old notebook. I'll have to change the langauge on the paper. And, if they deny it, I'll reveal it. Duh."

"Duh? Are you fucking crazy?"

"There you go again, why you always gotta step on my dreams?"

"Look, I'm sorry, it is a good idea. I'm sure it'll be a success, just don't forget me when you're a big shot." I decide to give it a rest since none of his ideas ever lead anywhere. I place two twenties on the table to cover the check and stand up, preparing to leave.

"Whoa not so fast." He motions for me to sit down as the waitor grabs the money and disappears.

"What's up?" Car keys twirl on my index finger while waiting for his next idea.

"Well, you're my first customer." The sheepish grin on his face slowly fades as he slides a document towards me.


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