Tuesday, August 9, 2022


 I climbed the stairs following the receptionist's directions, going to my left at the top and straight down the hallway. The knot in my stomach was familiar, I was always nervous on the first day of an assignment. A guy named Joe, the lead, was going to be with me in the meeting. I stood in the doorway - a cold, white, sterile room with space age inspired furniture, the norm for all new offices.

"Are you Tony?" A tall balding guy with black rectangle glasses and gray suit greeted me.

" Joe?" I shook the outstretched hand.

"Bingo, take a seat. They are on their way, this is a straightforward project so should be a quick discussion." His gaze returned to his laptop.

The room quickly filled and small talk about weekends commenced - I always hated these discussions, like I really cared about their personal lives? There were introductions followed by Joe diving into the details and making glorious promises on my capabilities. I interrupted at one point and questioned his assertions on could be done - he gave me a side eyed glare and never stopped talking. The meeting ended, the clients scattered and again it was the two of us.

"Don't ever question me in front of a client again." Joe gently shut the door and turned towards me.

"Well, don't make glorious promises that I, not you, have to fulfill."

"Do you think this is easy?"

"Telling the truth?"

"I thought you knew what you were doing?" He plopped in his seat and spun back to me.

"I do, but apparently you do not." Yes, I was this arrogant in my youth.

"Do you really think they'll remember everything I promised? I was just closing the deal." He removed his glasses and wiped his face.

The conversation escalated to a shouting match eventually interrupted by the receptionist. We went our separate ways and ultimately the client was happy with everything. We worked together a lot over the next few years and we are friends to this day. It is funny to think we became friends after that initial encounter. It was if we felt each other out that day.

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