Wednesday, August 10, 2022


My first reaction when listening to jazz is the musicians are amazing. I am always amazed at the way music transports me to another time and place, a memory - some good, some bad. A few years ago, I worked on a project that required me to be in Minneapolis every other week. While there, I would listen to this local jazz station in the car and whenever the opportunity came up which was often since I was usually alone. It introduced me to a lot of artists that were never on my radar. One cold, wintry morning (minus 7 F) as I drove my rental car to the office, the jazz filled in the interior of the car as I followed the curvy road leading to the interstate just as I hit a patch of ice - the car spun for what seemed like ten minutes but in reality only a few seconds, it spun twice before catching dry pavement and I was miraculously facing the right direction and no traffic to be seen. I continued on my way as the jazz played, never missed a beat with work. Also, the music makes me think of The Talented Mister Ripley movie where Jude Law's character loves and plays jazz while Ripley fakes it - one of my favorite books and movies. Finally, the music returns me to my early twenties with a self-professed jazz aficionado for a coworker. He was a complete snob on the subject. I could never determine if he actually knew his stuff or was just a blowhard as I did not really care of have the time to pretend I did, but such snobs can ruin anything - do you have to express your love of jazz to enjoy this performance? Be a professional writer to enjoy a book? There are so many good things in the world, just sit back and enjoy.

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