Thursday, May 1, 2014


"You know what her problem is?" Her chair tilted as she leaned and whispered in my ear.

"No, but I'm sure you are going to tell me." I shrugged while looking at the patch of exposed skin that disappeared in her cleavage.

"Somebody is in a mood." She recoiled as if she had been slapped.

"Whatever, just tell me." I could care less about her observations, but I wanted an audience for my ramblings.

"Well, she is too passive, she doesn't speak her mind and she cries too easily." She leaned back in the chair with a smirk of satisfaction on her face, as if she had just revealed something groundbreaking - like none of us had not said it a million times.

"You are so right." I played the game, giving her ego a boost. Actually, her words could easily be applied to herself - which had been discussed by the rest of us countless times.

"You know what his problem is?" She seemed to be finished, so I pushed ahead with my thoughts.

"No, shoot." Her hands formed a triangle under her chin with elbows on the arms of the chair as she listened. The air of superiority in her demeanor was hard to miss.

"He's an asshole."

"Wow, that is original." She smiled while waiting for more.

"Just look at him. He comes to these meetings every week and quietly takes notes with that smug look on his face. He rarely talks to us, outside of work issues. Who does he think he is?" My anger was overwhelming.

"He seems nice to me, maybe he is just shy." Her gaze locked on the target.

"Nice? You ever talked to him? Plus, you ever seen his office?"

"He has an office?" Her chair snapped forward as she seemed genuinely surprised.

"Yeah, over on two, you haven't seen it?" He had always had an office, so I couldn't believe she had missed it.

"No, I walk by there every day to talk to Tom, but I didn't see anything different."

"Well, the office looks empty. He sets his bag on the floor near his desk everyday, and that is the only personal item in there. Seriously, no pictures, or any shit on his desk. It looks like a temp or contractor's office." I felt the upper hand as I leaned back and watched her digest it.

"Oh, okay, it is probably right next to Tom. You are so right, I thought it was an empty space - so freaking neat and clean like a blank canvas." Her mouth wrinkled as she chewed on the information.

"Don't you think that is weird? Who doesn't decorate their cube - or office? Plus, he rarely talks to us. Who does he think he is? Hey, did you see what Jolene is wearing today?" The lady catches my eye as she walks past the window.

"Don't say it, the blue shirt again? Wow, how many days in a row is that?" She slaps the table while covering her mouth with the other hand - muffling her laughter.

"Four, no wait, Five, wow, maybe she has a closet full of them?"

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