Friday, May 16, 2014


"So, how's it going?" I speak while searching for the waiter who has vanished.

"Good." The mumbled response is hard to hear as he sits with head down staring at the menu.

"That's all you have to say, good?" One word replies are a clear sign of troubles or worries with him.

"What did you expect?" He raises his head and makes eye contact. His hands grip the edge of the table.

"So, how's, what's her name?" I skip the question and start to dig.


"Don't play dumb, that girl you told me about last week. The one with the incredible ass." Heads turn in our direction when the last part of the statement is given life.

"Oh, Dana, it's over." He raises both hands and waves at me as our drinks are placed on the table.

"Sorry to hear that, you seemed to like her - or liked certain parts of her." I down half of my drink to quench the overwhelming thirst.

"No big deal, but yeah she could fuck like you wouldn't believe." He leans back and stretches his arms across the back of the bench seat as a grin stretches across his face.

"Nothing wrong with that." My drink is suddenly empty and the elusive waiter gone as well.

"No shit, let me tell you, she came to my office a couple weeks ago, did I already tell you this? Fuck it if I did, you can hear it again. Anyway, she comes to my office and blows me while I am on this conference call."

"No, you didn't tell me that - and I think I would remember. Shit, she just walked in during a meeting?" This is the reason I love lunch with him, the stories are always a nice change from my boring life.

"No, we went to lunch and then she came back to my office. She keeps pushing me to fuck her, but I keep telling her I have an important conference call that I can't miss - believe me, I'd miss most meetings for sex. So, she is still there when I dial the number and she locks the door, crawls under my desk and goes to work."

"How was the conference call?"

"I have no fucking clue, but apparently I said all the right things." He slams the table with an open palm just as our food arrives and I request a refill.

"Well, that sounds great, so why is it over with her?" I closely inspect the burger before taking a bite.

"It would have been great if fucking was the only thing we did. She asked too many questions, so I ended it." A wad of french fries disappear in his mouth as he flashes a sarcastic grin.

"What kind of questions?"

"You know, the usual, what are you thinking? Where were you last night? Where are you going? Can I stay the night? and on and on and on."

"Yeah, ain't life rough." I roll my eyes to drive home the sarcasm.

"Anyway, I'm through with women."

"Yeah, right, I've heard that before." It was part of his normal cycle, so I quickly dismiss the absurd statement.

"No, really, I think I'm asexual." He pushes his plate away and focuses on the drink.

"Asexual? What do you meam?"

"I mean I don't like anybody these days, nobody is attractive so fuck it - I don't need anybody."

"Should I start calling you Ripley?"


"The book - and movie."

"You and books, fuck that. I just don't want a woman, man, or anybody."

"A man? You been hiding something?" I smile at the double meaning of the question, but it is lost on him.

"No, I'm just trying to make a point."

"Yeah, well, I'll believe it when you're still asexual this time next year, but we both know how your moods go." I drop the last part of the burger due to lack of interest. The waiter places a check on the table and disappears.

"Don't mock me."

"Please, don't try to act upset or hurt. Shall I go through a list of your past proclamations and other adventures?" I begin a mental list of things he had told me over the past year - such things as converting to Scientology, getting married, adopting a child, moving to Italy and working in a cafe, writing a novel, and so forth.

"No, spare me. Nobody likes to have their past repeatedly thrown in their face." He places a few bills on the check and waves to the waiter, apparently he is buying.

"We all need one or more people to keep us in line - a kind of reality check."

"I guess, so how are you doing?"

"I'm good. We have a campus visit next week, so hopefully I can have him in college this time next year."

"How's Trixie?"

"She's good, working and the usual shit, but no blow job in the office." I frown while glancing at my watch.

"You should ask." He counts his change and drops a tip in the tray.

"Believe me, I know, and asking kills the thrill of a lot of things. I like spontaneity and women who take charge."

"Yeah, you've always been a pussy." He laughs as we both stand and survey the rest of the room while stretching. "Hey, check out that hot brunette over there - in the corner, look at the rack on her." He leans over and nudges me as I brush crumbs from my shirt.

"Yeah, you're asexual and you should work on your whispering." The brunette in question looks at us while the rest of the crowd gives us a glance.

"Whatever, she knows her tits are big."

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