Saturday, May 3, 2014


"I don't want any part of it." He raised his hands as if I was robbing him.

"Calm down, everything will be okay." I waved my hands to tell him to lower his hands.

"Look, no more lies, I'm done." The look on his face was determined as he leaned back with arms folded across his chest.

"It isn't a lie if they believe you." I watched the door as we spoke while trying to convince him to abandon the current wave of ethics.

"I think you mean you, 'if you believe it'."

"What? No? Why would I believe it? I know it's a lie. The key is for them to believe. Shit, have you learned nothing?" I laughed while patting his back like we were old buddies.

"I guess, but I'm done with all of that." He remained firmly entrenched on the high road.

"Oh really?" I leaned back examining him while calculating the ramifications of his sudden enlightenment. I wondered what, if anything, he would reveal. The foundation was in place to easily cover my tracks and hang him out to dry - although I would miss her.

"Yeah, I'm sorry." His eyes averted my gaze while mumbling the response.

"No, no need to apologize, I understand." I waved away his feeble apology as the strategy formed in my head.

"Thanks, I thought you might. Maybe you should tell Laura everything?" His eyes slowed raised until they met mine.

"Is that a threat?" There was no blinking as our eyes locked.

"No, not necessarily, but things might come out." His eyes lowered again as he stared at the floor and fumbled with a small piece of string in his hand.

"There is only one way anything comes out and that is through you, so you let me know if you're planning on doing anything stupid." I felt the anger rise in my body as I worked to keep it in check. This was not the time nor place.

"Yeah, well, I don't know." He continued to twist the string in his hands while looking down.

"I think you know." There are turning points in every relationship. He had been stupid to reveal his hand, and he would pay for it.

"I'm sorry."

"That's good to know." I pushed away from the table while standing up. I turned and walked away without another word - I had plenty of work to do. He was still sitting at the table as I turned the corner.

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