Thursday, May 22, 2014


"People, people, please take a seat, we have a lot to discuss." He clapped his hands repeatedly to break people from their conversations. Slowly, they recognized the moment and found a seat. He leaned forward against the table and noted the time.

"So, what is this all about? I haven't go much time." The anxiety on the young man's face was hard to miss.

"Just a minute and I'll let you - along with everybody else - know." He looked away while still trying to place the man. Finally, he remembered it was Richard. He worked with her.

"Is there any coffee or snacks?" The young brunette played with her hair while squeezing a pack of cigarettes.

"No, I'm sorry, no refreshments. This is an emergency meeting. This won't take long, and don't light that cigarette in here." The frown on her face made him uneasy, but her demeanor affected most people that way. As an ex-friend she was important to the operation.

"The reason I called this meeting was to review a few things. I think we are almost finished, but a few things need to be outlined or reviewed." He cleared his throat while reviewing his notes on the small notepad.

"Finished? How can you say that?" The bright smile of the man near his own age was surprising as was his companion.

"Yes, and what is she doing here?" The whole operation was jeopardized with the new lady's attendance.

"Oh, she's with me, we're going to move in together." The smile grew wider as she kissed his cheek and he squeezed her hand.

"Jesus, are you that stupid?" He shook his head while wondering how he could jump into another situation so soon. "Anyway, it's your funeral."

"Hey, apologize and I mean right now. You're the reason I am here, so I think you owe me one." The man breathed deeply to puff out his chest as he wrapped an arm around his companion.

"Apoligize? Shit, you should be thanking me for saving your life." It was meant to be sarcastic but everybody nodded in agreement. He placed his notes on the table and began to speak.

"Okay, the work has been great so far - well execpt for, I won't name names, you-know-who succumbing to false guilt and revealing a few things. That was damaging, but we survived." He nodded toward the person in question as she slouched in her chair and avoided the stares.

"Furthermore, we've got her on the edge. Yes, I know, it wasn't hard to prey on such a paranoid person, but only teamwork could make this go so well. The anger is nearing its breaking point as a conversation last week proved, so one final push and our over the edge goal will be realized."

"Now, you two, the apparent love birds and soon-to-be roommates. Continue with, well whatever you are doing, and be sure to communicate your actions - be as vague as possible without losing meaning. And you," he pointed to the new lady, "the blog is great, it gives me the creeps so I know it is working on the target - keep up the good work."

"And, you guys in the back. Continue filtering work news to the office mate. He spreads that shit quicker than I had envisioned - and always adding his own twist, our target is going crazy over some of that shit." He made a clapping gesture toward the motley crew sitting together near the back. The smiled and shook their heads in agreement as they leaned forward and whispered between themselves.

"Okay, now there is just one more thing that needs to be done to make this complete." He looked at the well-dressed man in the front row and nodded to him. He grimaced while carefully choosing the words. "You all know Bob here." He pointed at the man for all to acknowledge. "Bob here is going, well you all know what he needs to do to close the deal." He shook his own memories of such moments while refocusing on the list when he noticed Bob standing to speak.

"I don't think I can go through with it, it'll be devastating and I think I have real feelings." Bob held his hat in hand while looking at the ground in front of him and speaking.

"Oh, shit." He pushed away from the table and wiped his face with both hands. He knew the foe could be persuasive so this was not a surprise, but it would take some work - and he had the necessary people to back him up on hand - to break the spell as a friend had previously done for him.

"Yeah. I didn't plan it." Bob's face was suddenly red.

"No worries, it happens, but you remember everything we have told you? And, you remember his stories?" He pointed at the happy couple to Bob's right as they nodded, but Bob did not seem convinced.

"Okay, I didn't want to do this." He felt like a lawyer as he pulled the fat folder from his briefcase. The printed mail messages had been withheld for this very moment. He gripped them firmly as he approached Bob.

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