Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Is it me?

I lean back in my chair as the voices echo from my computer's speaker. I turn and stare out the open door, forgetting I am blessed to be able to work from home (sometimes) as I think about the grass needing mowing and other chores. My train of thought is interrupted when the problem child on my team starts talking down to everyone, I quickly cut him off and get us going in right direction and my mind wanders ...

  • Nothing worse than a know-it-all who uses their knowledge to push around junior team members. 
  • Actually, it is a know-it-all that really does not know it all. It seems the older I get, I realize the more I don't know.
  • Bully pops in my head, they are bullying others with less knowledge or less time with the organization.
  • I am so tired of dealing with people, I mumble 'why are there so many idiots here' and quickly glance down to make sure my microphone is muted - it is.
  • Are all of these people this much of a problem or am I just in a bad mood?
  • I really need to get rid of the bully, easier said than done. They technically do their job, but everybody dislikes and avoids them. How do they not notice?
  • Wow, one junior person actually corrects the bully and they are right. I feel bad that it makes me smile.
  • I hear the neighbor's lawn mower, crap they beat me.
  • What is there to eat leftover chicken?
  • I really need to clean the junk off of my desk.

My attention snaps back to the meeting as I hear my name, I answer and provide some direction before ending the meeting.

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