Wednesday, April 20, 2022


I arrive early, park in designated employee area - dad let me use the car today. The uniform scratches my skin as I am sweating. Thankfully, the sun is heading down. I see Shelly and wave, we walk in together, so near the field and up the 'employees only' elevator. I like Shelly, she is funny, but not like like just as a friend. She is always worried about the money count at the end of the night, she was short a dollar after last night's game. I tell her to not worry, reassure her some shortage is fine and probably even expected. Besides, there are cameras every where, so they can certainly watch, check it out, if they suspected anything.

The doors open and we walk into the meeting room where we sign out our cash drawers - counting money in front of the manager. We part ways as I head to my booth where all of the supplies are waiting - oil, containers (small and large), napkins, salt and the main ingredient - popcorn kernels. I check the time - 1 hour until the game starts. I push the button to heat the pan, wait until it beeps and pour in a cup full of kernels and then flip the switch to start it spinning. The popping soon follows, the smell is wonderful. I tilt the pan to dump the remaining popcorn into the bin and spread the salt over it. 

The gates are opened and people wander around the concourse. I double check the containers and position the money in the drawer as the first customer approaches. I smile and serve one large popcorn and collect 25 cent tip - smile, the customer is king!. There is a long night ahead as the playoffs are in reach.

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