Tuesday, April 19, 2022


The birds are lined up on the garage roof, waiting their turn on the feeder. How do they know the line up? A blue bird; a red bird, now that's a cardinal; a dark black bird, is that a crow? tiny tan colored variety, I should Google bird types. How do they all know when I fill the feeder? Sun is missing, clouds everywhere, I guess the weather dude was right this time - it could rain any minute now. I really need to trim those bushes. The black cat strolls through the yard, I still don't know where it calls home. The deck is a mess, but I would rather not power wash and stain it ... again. I see foot prints on the steps, squirrel? rabbit? nah, probably that cat as well. I look down at my watch, fifteen more minutes until the meeting, I am not sure what I will be asked but it should be fine. My eye rests on the sink full of dishes, I will tackle them later, why is it always me doing them? I see my reflection in the window and scrutinize my shirt as it will be a video meeting - always awkward for some reason. A dress shirt and pajama pants, a remnant of the pandemic? But, I've worked at home for years. How is the bird feeder already empty? Am I the only one feeding the birds? The bell returns me to the moment, I turn and lift the cup of tea from the microwave - add sugar and head to my office reminding myself to sit up straight and look into the camera, focus and actually listen to what others are saying, for once.

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