Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Don't mention it

My eyes strain to avoid looking directly at the yellow liquid. Her eyes avoid mine as guilt and shame covers her face. Small talk continues as I think about it, and she wonders if I saw it. A brochure is repositioned to shield the cup, but it is too late - I know what it is. The translucent white cups are everywhere at sporting events. Some people stack their empty cups to showcase their consumption. I am embarrassed, embarrassed for her, I want to leave, to have never been there. The conversation floats around everything but the obvious. An uneasy silence descends upon us as I back away. We promise to call each other and exchange good-byes. She turns and walks away as I stand and watch. I want to say that I won't tell, but then she'd know I know even though she suspects and I know she suspects. Disappointment and anger race through my veins, I want her to stop, I want it gone, it is too much to handle.

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