Sunday, February 25, 2007


"What are you saying?" Her eyes glared as she awaited a response.
"You know what I am saying." My energy was gone, I just wanted to lie down and be rid of it all.
"I want to hear you say it." A tear rolled down her cheek. She quickly wiped it away and concentrating on holding back others.
"I don't want to say any more."
"Isn't that nice. You always want to control everything!" My body slammed against the door as she pushed me. I awaited more punishment.
"You have nothing else to say?" She stood firmly entrenched with arms folded and a determined look on her face. This was the woman I had fallen for so many years ago.
My mind drifted back to that night in the office, when she had strolled past my desk. Her scent hung in the air as I watched the little body walk away. She had turned and flashed that brilliant smile in my direction just before disappering. The smile was mesmerizing. It was cupid's arrow firmly planted in my heart. I thought of nothing else the rest of that day and week. I worked up the courage to speak to her. Her voice was music to my ears.
"Well, isn't this great, you're going to stand their with that dumb look on your face?" She didn't bother with brushing the tears away - they flowed freely.
"I'm afraid to say anything." I lowered my head and stared at the floor. I instantly recognized the small brown stain on the carpet. I smiled while remembering the spilled food the previous Christmas.
"Oh, now this is funny? You know, everything in life is not funny!" The tears dried as anger erupted.
"No, no, it isn't like that, I was remembering the stain." I pointed at the famliar spot on the floor while talking.
She looked down and a faint smile formed.
"I love you." The emotions choked me as I talked.
"It isn't enough."

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