Thursday, February 15, 2007


Your senses are overwhelmed as you take it all, the taste and smell so familiar yet so new. It is a body you’ve seen and touched countless times, but it never ceases to excite you. Your head spins with desire as you savor every moment. You trace the smooth curves with your hands and tongue - all the while keenly aware of their reception. You inhale the intoxicating aroma while traveling up and down. Your tongue gently touches the warmth - pure pleasure. Your grip is firm as your tongue gains momentum. The sound of pleasure echoes for everyone to hear. You twist and turn until the ultimate connection is made - gasping as your senses are overwhelmed. You slowly open your eyes and smile as the pushing and pulling is synchronized. Suggestions and directions are mumbled with mental notes of what works and what doesn't. The rhythm accelerates and the room is filled with the animal noises. You feel it approaching and you want it – nothing else matters. Your eyes shut as all energy is focused - both working toward the same goal. You shudder when it finally arrives, convulsing involuntarily. The bodies are drained. The eyes open as you return to the moment, sweat drips from your body. Silent smiles and affection are exchanged as the bodies relax with eyes slowly closing. What is better, the actual event or the anticipation?

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