Saturday, February 10, 2007


I brush its skin with the palm of my hand and quickly cover my mouth as the dust fills the room. The fasteners flip open with the familiar click. I stand motionless staring at them – pointing towards me. I have no idea what could be in the case. As I reach forward to pull it open, it hits me – it is or was her suitcase. I release the handle and slide to the floor. The tears flow as her memory returns. Her hair, those eyes, and the smile that made me fall in love over and over again. I sit on the floor as the tears roll down my cheeks. I lean my head against the bed and knock it against the case. That case, yes, I remember it, I had helped her pack for the trip. Yes, that trip. The trip was her last. She had been so excited to be going. She was always excited about something, and I loved hearing every detail of her thoughts. My senses explode as the pain spreads through my body – I want to talk to her again. There are so many things that I never got to say. The time passes quickly as I sit mesmerized, the darkness swallows me. I gather my strength and stand to face the dreaded object. I push the latches into place and lock it forever. My arm jerks downward as I pull it from the bed and drop it to the floor. One push of my foot and it disappears under the bed, her bed, our bed, but not my memory.

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