Friday, April 27, 2007


It was nothing more than a mistake, but I could tell from her facial expression that she wouldn't agree when we discussed it (yeah, argued) later. Our eyes met as my mind had already begun to formalize a defense strategy. There were two general ways to approach it - angrily or apology. Wait, let me tell you what I said before going any further:

"Well, as far as I'm concerned, they are not welcome in my house."

Can you spot the mistake? Maybe not, since it is not crystal clear unless you know everything about me and I've made sure that never happens. Anyway, the key word from the questionable statement is 'my'. There would be no problem if I would have said 'our' as opposed to proclaiming sole custody of the property.

Back to the moment, there was a noticeable pause after I finished my sentence. I can't explain why everybody seemed to be listening to me at that moment since I'm usually ignored, but the women sipped their drinks and stole glances at her. The men took the lead from their mates and remained silent, but their eyes expressed pity for my mistake. This may be a good time to tell you that I am not married.

I bet you are still confused, so it may help to inform you of a rather lengthy dinner discussion - with this same group of people about an hour before my statement - regarding ownership within a couple. It began when one woman mentioned a friend's recent divorce and the splitting of assets. It seems the woman had taken the husband to the cleaners (her words, not mine).

All but one of the women at the table shook their heads in agreement and said she deserved half if not more. I was the only person with a penis to disagree. You see, I was the only one not trying to fuck somebody at the table, so I was free to speak my mind. Don't get me wrong, I was fucking one of them but it was established or so I thought. The other men were on dates some on first dates while others in the initial stages of a relationship (you know, when you still agree on everything). I wanted to tell them to stand up because there was plenty more out there - women, that is.

Anyway, I said the division of assets and liabilities should be judged on the person's contribution to the partnership (see, I am not anti-marriage) as well as other factors like length of the relationship, children, and so forth. Well, let me tell you, no man touched what I said - they sat quietly and I remembered why I didn't like any of them. There were a few mini-arguments or discussions with some of the women.

The funny thing is I could sense these women instantly judging my companion or pitying her. And she, my lady, did join the discussion. She both agreed and disagreed with me on certain points (see, you thought I was with some bimbo), so things seemed good to me (as they always do until I am told otherwise).

Back to my original point, this story preceded a discussion of a couple with lots of problems. I won't bore you with the details, but I found it necessary to announce they were no longer welcome in my house. Shit, I did it again, no, they are not welcome in OUR house. Really, I wasn't trying to demean anybody and actually her name is on the deed so it is really our house. Given that fact, it is both mine and hers, so either one of us can say my or our when discussing it. Right?

Did you like those last two sentences? Anyway, it is a sampling of what I said to her - later that night. While I realized everybody's thinking, I didn't acknowledge the mistake in their presence (which was apparently a mistake) and continued speaking. I would tell you what I said next, but it is irrelevant. If you are wondering about getting laid that night, you would be wrong to think it didn't happen - there's nothing better than angry sex, but really it was makeup sex after our discussion - although I still like angry sex. Yes, that's right, we fucked in our house in our bed. It makes me wonder, should I say she sucked my dick or she sucked our dick?

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