Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Keep pushing

Steven King is quoted as saying "Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work."

I am not a big Steven King fan, nothing personal, just not a fan of horror - life is scary enough. Anyway, I love his quote for life not just writing. I have known plenty of smart and talented people along the way, but a good portion of them never pushed themselves and developed that or any talent. I don't care if it is writing, landscaping, carpentry, programming, cooking, sports or whatever else. You have to dig in and put in the work, the work nobody sees as you fail, learn and develop. You want to learn how to do something right?  Do it wrong for a while and you will appreciate it so much more when you do have some success. On the other hand, maybe the talent does not exist and you finally learn that and move on to something else that better suits your talents. The key is to keep pushing, keep challenging yourself and keep trying. Hopefully you find something that brings you joy and sustenance. If not, lie down on the couch and watch some tv.

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