Tuesday, May 31, 2022


Have you ever been happy?

Not this again.

You never answer.

Because I know the answer, and you are always asking.

You are so evasive.

Of course I have been happy ....


Let's see, really there are too many times to list.

Do you really think it was happiness or just what you think happy is supposed to be? 

How would I know the difference?


Well, there has to be some guidelines, something to use as to measure or whatever.

When everything just feels so right and there are no worries - the mind is free. How is that?

No worries?


I remember, when I was little, we were going through the country, dad was driving, I leaned out the window and waved to those girls, we stopped at that burger joint, the weather was perfect and it was .... yeah, just happiness.

Yeah, that was nice, but remember what happened next?


So, you really want to put that on the list of happy moments?

One can be separate from the other.

True, but the latter surely takes the shine off of the former.


Just saying.

I always loved my alone time with him, but then again I knew it was ending soon, so there was anxiety.

What about that night with Teri?

That's a good one, that was a few hours of bliss.

H'bout sustained happiness, not just fleeting moments?

Oh, I know, that summer working at the ballpark and my first car. That was so much fun.

So true, but you have to go that far back to find something? Nothing recent?

Not really, plenty of good moments these days, remember last week at the park with the little one?

Yeah, always good times. Really, I think happiness is relative.

True, but none of my relatives.

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