Thursday, March 29, 2007


"You wanna do something crazy?" She leans over and whispers in my ear.

"Uh, sure, what did you have in mind?" I feel the hairs on my neck raise while my mind loops through the possibilities - things I'd like to do with her.

"Don't sound so enthusiastic, nevermind." She pushes away from me and looks out the window.

"No, I'm game, what's up." I move in my seat while trying to adjust myself without her noticing - an aerobic exercise without using my hands.

"Well." She abruptly turns her head to face me again and wrinkles her brow while watching me move.

"Yeah, go on."

"What are you doing?" She folds her arms across her chest, like my mom, awaiting my explanation.

"Nothing, I had an itch." I didn't want to go any further.

"Where at? Can I help?"

"No, that's okay." I want nothing better than her touching me down there, but this relationship is nowhere near that point. If it was, I would be scratching myself without a worry.

"Seriously, turn around and I'll take care of your itch." She makes a swirl motion with her hand, which apparently is her symbol for turning around.

"No, it's not there, don't worry about it." I want her to drop it and return to her wacky idea.

"Well, where is it?"

"Nevermind." I can't figure out if she is teasing or is really slow.

"I can help, oh, oh okay, well." Her laughing is uncontrollable as she realizes my dilemma.


"Here, let me turn around and you go for it, tell me when you are done." She turns and stares out the window yet again. I watch a few people strolling by the car as I my fingers take care of business.

"Alrighty." I stare at her hands, imagining them touching me, as she turns around with a big smile on her face.

"I have to admit, I could see you in the window. Don't be embarrassed, it didn't look so bad." She smacks her leg while laughing.

"Gee, thanks, ever hear of closing your eyes?"

"Oh, don't be silly, we've been friends long enough for you not to be so silly."

"Anyway, so were you going to say before I interrupted you?" I want to get back to her crazy idea.

"It doesn't seem so crazy now after your ordeal."

"I'm glad you are so easily entertained."

"Yeah, well you have a lot to learn about me."

"Likewise." My eyes scan her body as she stares at a man across the street.

"Is he watching us?"


"That guy, over there. Wait, don't look, watch this." She proceeds to bury and bob her head in my lap.

"What are you doing?" I am quickly becoming aroused and want to avoid another awkward moment.

"Is he watching?"

"No, he is gone."

"Oh, sorry, I thought he was watching us."

"You shouldn't be so paranoid."

"I guess I could have taken care of your itch while I was down there." She giggles and an uneasy silence follows.

"Yeah, that would have been funny." My words are forced as I feel the excitement recede.

"So, I was thinking we could go to that grease pit over on third and get a sloppy burger and fries, total junk food. You game?"

"Wow, that IS crazy." I roll my eyes and reach for the ignition keys.

"Disappointed? We don't have too."

"No, I'm hungry." I glance over my shoulder while easing away from the curb and thinking of the quickest way to get to the restaurant.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


"Did you see what just happened?" He stands with total disgust on his face, hands on hips and shaking his head while watching her walk away.

"Well, I don't know." I have no clue what is bothering him.

"You don't know?" An incredulous smile stretches across his face.

"That's what I said, so cut the shit and tell me what's on your mind." I stare at my cell phone, which is now my watch, to check the time.

"She acted like she didn't know who I am." He gives me a manic smile.

"Did she?"

"Yes, she said hello to you and walked away." He points in her direction, as if I forgot who were are discussing.

"No, I remember that part, but you two have previously met?"

"Yes, we met at Mark's house that time, what was it, that party he had, I guess it was just a party, but I was thinking New Year's." He rubs his face while contemplating a party that I can't remember.

"Oh, well, maybe she forgot."

"How did she forget?"

"Dude, what's the deal, she's nobody. So she didn't remember you, let it go." I fish the keys from my jacket pocket.

"It isn't that." He leans forward while running his hands through his hair.

"C'mon, spill it." I recognize his behavior, it means he is hiding something.

"Well, we made out in Mark's laundry room."

"Really?" I squint my eyes while searching for her, I can't remember her level of attractiveness.

"Don't sound so surprised, some people like me." For some reason, he is visibly hurt.

"No, it isn't that. I am surprised you didn't say anything back then."

"I guess I forgot."

"Whatever, you never forget to talk about anything else."

"Well, she was pretty drunk when it happened, and the lights were off, so maybe she doesn't remember."

"She'd have to be. No, I'm kidding." I reveal the joke before his feelings are further bruised.

"Real funny."

"So, what aren't you telling me?"

"Well, this is weird."

"C'mon, tell me, I gotta go in a few minutes."

"She kept calling me Mark while we were going at it."


"Yeah, and I undid her pants and she told me to do that thing she liked. Shit, I had no clue what she was talking about since we had just met."

"Hold on, how'd you end up in the laundry room with her?"

"I opened the wrong door on the way to the bathroom. You remember his old apartment, those doors in the hallway were confusing."

"That's true." An image of the apartment materializes in my head.

"So, I open the door and she pulls me in while asking what took so long."

"God, you are no good."


"You know what."

Monday, March 26, 2007

It did

"So, it's true?" He leans forward, as if we were sharing a secret.

"Why are we talking about this?" The whole matter had become a weight around my neck.

"Wow, how was it?" He smiles as his mind fills in the details.

"Are you serious?"

"C'mon, just tell me. It's no big deal." He leans back as his patience nears its end.

"Obviously it is a big deal to you." I glance at my watch while contemplating leaving.

"Sure, I'll admit it, I have no life, so you can brighten my day." He mistakenly laughs thinking what he just said is funny.

"Whatever. Hey, did you see that game last night?"

"Fuck the game, so tell me."

"What is it you want to know?" I rub my eyes while stalling for more time.

"How was it?"


"Yeah IT, everybody knows what it is. I mean she isn't so hot, but it makes me wonder." I notice the change in his tactic, thinking putting her down will make me talk.

"Well, 'it' was okay." I make air quotes with my hands while answering the question.

"Okay? That's all you can say?" His shoulders drop as he had expected a more exciting response.

"What do you want me to say, sex is sex." I hold my hands up in an 'I give up' gesture.

"How's her body?"

"Nothing to write home about, but then again look at me." I pat my belly as the discomfort with the line of questioning grows.

"Yeah, I never thought she was so hot, really not much to look at, but you never know when the clothes are pealed away. So, she do anything crazy?" He examines his own belly as the question hangs in the air.

"You think somewhere somebody is asking her the same questions about me?" The question just pops in my head, and I shudder but quickly dismiss as nobody really cares about me.

"Yeah, she's telling everybody about your small dick!" He covers his mouth and giggles as people turn and stare as he seems to scream the last word.

"No doubt, but it serves me right."

"Shit, I'm just kidding, nobody would believe her anyway, you were the only one that liked her."

"No, that isn't true."

"Sure it is, but anyway, so any quirks or crazy shit she did? Was she really vocal? I bet she screamed a lot."

"You're assuming I gave her a reason to scream."

"Wow, that is revealing." He seems to be losing interest in the subject.

"But, no, nothing out of the ordinary. It was pretty vanilla, not memorable at all. Honestly, I can't say I enjoyed it all that much." This is a realization that just hit me, and I am shocked.

"Then why did you do it, or why did you do it more than once?"

"Because I could?"

Sunday, March 25, 2007


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