Friday, March 2, 2007

Climb aboard

"Wow, that wasn't anything like I expected." She announces while leaning forward and quickly jerking her head backwards and running her hands through the confusing maze that is her hair.

"Is that good or bad?" I want to know before responding.

"Well, it wasn't the worse, but it could've been better." She mumbles while trying to remove the wrinkles from her shirt by creating an iron with her hand. She repeatedly pressed the wrinkles in vain.

"I guess, but it seemed okay to me." Her attitude is discomforting.

"Big surprise, you men are so much easier to please than us." She laughs and gently pushes my shoulder.

"I don't know about that."

"You don't? Hey, I'm dying of thirst, let's get something to drink." She licks her lips and fakes a cough to stress her thirst.

"Sure, but, but what did you think about being on top like that?" I couldn't let it go.


"Is there anything else?"

"Well, it made me kind of nauseous. All that movement, jerking around, I just wanted it to end." Her theatre background appears as she mimics the movements from earlier.

"Sorry, I guess I wasn't paying attention."

"No, don't be, you seemed to be enjoying it, so I didn't say anything."

"Does your foot still hurt?"

"No, it is better, I can't believe it got stuck."

"Yeah, I thought you were joking at first, so I kept on going, but I kind of knew you were serious when you screamed." I laugh as the image forms in my head.

"I couldn't see if you heard me since you were behind, so a scream felt necessary." She stands on one foot while working her ankle to test its usefulness.

"So, I guess you don't want to go again?"

"Oh, you're ready to go right now?" She awaits may answer with hands on hips.

"No, give me thirty minutes or so, I'm not young anymore."


"Anyway, I was thinking we could do something other than rock climbing next time."

"I'm game to whatever you have on your mind." I'm suddenly excited by her telling me what to do.

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