Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Be Him

I loved both The World According to Garp book and film (I actually just reread the book and it holds up for me), because he led a less than normal life, embraced it (mostly) and made his own life. He had a goal and attained it (not has much as his mother but still respected). The book was so detailed (long like most of Irving's books). He chased his dream, made friends, fell in love, had kids, survived the battle that is marriage and enjoyed a full life. These are all things I wanted and the fact that his experiences were less than normal made them more attractive as my own life was chaotic with daily surprises. I had dreams and I did get the chance to chase them and build my own life with great (and some not as much) adventures. The dearth of details within Irving's book captivated me, he described things to the point where I could feel or touch them, taste them.

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