Monday, May 15, 2023

The good son

We talked last night, or rather I called and listened for forty minutes. I told her I had just returned from a trip, but there was no acknowledgement or questions. The conversation follows the usual pattern - it begins with an updated list of ailments followed by upcoming medical appointments. With that covered, the next segment begins where she disparages just about everybody - her friends and family, and especially those that have not NOT called or visited. This often makes me wonder what she says about me and my family. The final part of the conversation centers on dad - a trip down memory lane where the memories are horrible. It is worth noting that they were married twenty-one years and divorced for the past 43 years while he has been dead three years. Her stories and memories are always bad and they will always top anything you share - martyrdom seems like a lonely place to me. Anyway, the main theme of her stories is my dad was a monster. While I would never say he was a great person, turning him into a demon is a bit much. I used to counter her stories with some of his good or point out inconsistencies, but a therapist advised me to stand down and no engage. In addition, I have asked her to no longer tell the stories as my relationship with Dad was much different, but that request was rejected. Mom likes to point out how Dad was against my choice of spouse, but she easily forgets that she agreed with him for a long time. Now, she no longer asks about the wife or even the grandson that is such a big part of my life these days, it is all her tales. Does listening to her stories, which I could recite if asked, make me a good son? Why do I see it as my duty when my two brothers are absent most of the time? It can't be good that I listen and then roll my eyes and dismiss all of it, can it?

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