Tuesday, May 2, 2023

The Culprit

As my health improved and I got near to returning to “normal activities”, I or we wondered who invited the stranger into my body and when it occurred. The usual suspect is always the grandson who I always call a walking petri dish with his many hours spent at school. We had a bond, so there were lots of hugs and affection thus he was the number one suspect. However, the wife went another direction. This is no surprise as the grandson could do no wrong in her eyes. Like a game of Clue, she placed my best friend (outside of her) in the cross hairs as we had previously attended a local user group meeting following by group dinner and drinks - close your eyes and you can easily visualize the laughing and loud talking and aerosol droplets filling the space. We can all thank covid and the CDC for bringing aerosol and droplets into regular society. She smirked while pointing the finger at me and my friends. A couple texts and an email strengthened her case as a few of the attendees, including my friend, had been sick all week. The covid term had been volleyed around, but nobody ever secured a positive test - neither the at home version or the more painful doctor where the worlds longest q-tip is jammed up your nose until it hits the base of your brain. It makes my eyes water thinking of it. Meanwhile, the grandson has not missed a day of school and no outbreaks within his school building. In the end, the wife is right (as usual?) and I easily accept the verdict - something that would have erupted into a fight only a couple weeks ago. Actually, I am glad she is correct as I did not want the little one going through anything like I had experienced.

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