Wednesday, May 25, 2022



The truck crept through the entrance as he examined the numbers above the doors. He double checked his car doors  before heading inside. The kids playing near the dumpster eyed him suspiciously. The suit and tie were a warning sign in this neighborhood.

He held his breath while climbing to the third floor - the smell of urine filled the stairwell The crumpled paper instructed him to go to door on the right - number 6 - at the top of the stairs. He stood facing the door. The number nine laughed at him. A quick glance at the door on the opposite side yielded the number five. He reached out and nudged the nine upward until it said 6.


The blue compact truck crawled while he searched the building numbers. He stabbed the remote button twice to ensure locked doors before darting inside. The neighborhood kids stopped and watched him, his suite and tie triggered alarms as residents wondered who was being served.

He climbed the steps two at a time while the strong urine odor stung his nostrils. He flattened the paper with his hands while confirming number 6. He held up the paper while  searching the hallway. He flipped the nine hanging lower than other times to reveal its true identity - nine. He fell and swing back and forth when he released it. He mad a fist and gave the door two loud knocks that echoed down the hallway - he heard footsteps at other doors as they snooped.

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