Monday, May 16, 2022



Everybody was in the office today. The first time I have seen most of them - in person - in two years, and I could wait another two to see them again. It was a meeting labeled "onsite planning." I showed up as late as possible, finding a seat as far as possible from the action. 

It was one of the longest days of my life, but I can't tell you much of what was discussed. I don't mean it was secret, but rather there wasn't anything useful. Staffing plans were finalized along with prioritizing projects and reviewing the budget. Stuff that I actually thought was already complete. A lot of the time I found myself staring out the window, wondering what wrong decisions led me to this place. How do you really "do what you love" when there are bills to pay?

I surveyed the group from my seat and wondered who currently had covid and how long before I would get it (again). I suggested masks, or even sticking to a virtual meeting format, but was shot down.  During lunch, there was a lively discussion regarding how often people brush their teeth - I am not kidding, they discussed how often, how long and alternative and electric options. Apparently, one guy's wife is a dental hygienist, so he thinks he is dentist. The HR guy with the yellow teeth and coffee breath said he flosses daily, I highly doubt it. 

I did find everybody's attire interesting. It was clear that the long time away from the office left some disoriented. The HR guys were formal, project managers leaned business professional and the IT folks were all over the place with one guy wearing "dress" sweatpants, I know this since he would not stop saying it. Towards the end of the festivities, I wondered if anybody would have noticed if I had not showed up.

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