Friday, May 20, 2022


I yank the door open and step into the darkness - light bulb out again. My eyes slowly adjust as a door slams and two bodies scramble across the yard and down the street. I jog to the end of the driveway and then in their direction, bat firmly in my grip. I stop after three houses and walk back to my driveway. 

I stand for a moment, complete silence in suburbia - both soothing and disturbing. Every house is dark, except not far away, light beaming from the door I left open. I stroll past Mike's impeccably manicured yard - mums blooming. I swing the bat and strike one, then another and then another, exhilarating. I suddenly remember where I am, look around and hurry towards my house.

I open the truck door and immediately notice the missing duffel bag. Anger erupts, I hop inside, turn the key, quickly retreating and speeding down the road towards my visitors.

A quick right after speeding through the stop sign and I spot two silhouettes approaching the playground just past Dave's house - a non-stop talker that always manages to catch me when heading to the swings. I gun the engine and they turn, see me and start running. I laugh when noticing they stay on the sidewalk, but I stay near them down another block, to the left, another block and then they disappear into the woods at the edge of the neighborhood.

I stop and jump out, standing at the edge of the trees. A giant For Sale sign to my right announcing a new development. Adrenaline is pumping, the bat feels good in my hand, the truck's engine echoing against the trees. I return to the truck and stand there, surveying the door. I think of crime shows where they look for scratch marks, it is old and full of scratches. I realize that is a good description of my hands and I smile. I realize I had probably left it unlocked. A quick mental inventory of the random contents of the missing bag calms me down. I drive slowly, taking the long way home, searching for any sign of light, am I the only one awake?

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