Friday, May 13, 2022

It will pass

 I lean back, pop open a coke from the cooler, enjoying  sunny afternoon. My red and white bobber dances as the wind picks up. The bobber disappears and I yank the pole, but  the hook is empty. The sunlight disappears as I pull a worm from the box. I ensure no hook is showing and return it to the water.

"Those don't look good." I raise my voice while pointing to the sky.

"Nah, they will pass over, we are okay." He looks, examines the sky and finally speaks - pointing to the right, predicting cloud movement.

I return to my bobber with the occasional glance over my shoulder. The clouds are darkening and the smell of rain is strong.

"Whoa, those are dark." I gesture upwards while glancing at the dock in the distance on the opposite bank.

"Nah, they will pass over, maybe a sprinkle, it's fine." He stands and surveys the sky, clearly not wanting to leave.

I yank the line again, snagging a bluegill. The fish dangles in front of me, I firmly grasp before tossing in the cooler. The first rain drop hits my arm as I reach for worms.

"Uh oh."

"Just a few sprinkles, it'll be past us soon."

The sky opens just as he finishes. A clap of thunder startles me. It is suddenly raining sideways and the other side of the lake has disappeared I look to the rear of the boat as he is scrambling - the motor roars.

"We better head back, grab the anchor!" He motions to the front, behind me.

I lift the anchor from the dancing water and push us away. The intensity of the rain increases as we race across the open water.

"Is that it?" He points towards what we both think is the dock while wiping his eyes. 

"Crap, that burns."  

I laugh while getting soaked from head to toe as I realize the hair spray from his thin hair is now seeping into his eyes as the rain pummels us. He is irritated, but starts laughing as we drift up to the dock.

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