Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Let Love Rule

The Haddaway song "What Is Love?" immediately popped in my head with this writing prompt where he repeatedly says "don't hurt me". The trajectory of romantic love is it begins with a flurry of passion and longing while often ending with dying embers in a heap of rubble or rather a phoenix rising! The beginning can never be sustained, but the story or journey often tries to return to its fiery origin which is most often a mistake. It terms of structure, the story begins with their meeting which is followed by a lot of action (if they are lucky) that builds with unavoidable conflict - maybe existing relationships get in the way; society does not approve; apprehension from one of the parties; another character enters the picture providing an alternative or threat to the love or it just isn't meant to be and it is realized. It all climaxes (unavoidable pun) with a decision and then the dust settles. If it is ending, the relationship limps along until it is exhausted. However, sometimes it survives the knives thrown by society and the apprehensions of the lovers - it pushes through and takes a new form - it becomes one, a united duo that can conquer anything together (and often annoy those around them). There may be a few false starts in the process, but the flame keeps burning. This new, united beast is different story altogether. A Lenny Kravitz says, you gotta Let Love Rule! 

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